Cross with white flame behind it

First United Methodist Church

Share The Joy – Christmas 2021

Christmas traditions are wonderful memories for most of us but that anticipated celebration for some local kids is simply out of their families reach.  The numbers of Seacoast kids needing help is staggering as this year has again been challenging in countless ways.

As a caring community we are reminded of that family traveling to Bethlehem who had nothing, but through the kindness of an innkeeper they were given a place to stay and is where the light of the world was born.  

While we have set our goal to help 6 [actually 7 including the little baby] local kids this year your generosity last year helped 50!…yes 50 kids felt your love of making a difference and “Sharing The Joy” that you have experienced in your life.  

Thank you for being a community of generosity and kindness.   A little Christmas help will make these kids feel that “JOY” again.

Click on the “GIVE” button in the navigation bar > DONATE > KIDS FIRST option to make your donation.

Meet the Kids…